Amanda Crew talks style and beauty!

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  1. °Camilla°

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    la foto è in photoshoot - ed araquel - 2010

    You may recognize Amanda from movies such as Sex Drive, She's the Man and Final Destination 3. In this interview, Amanda reveals her beauty secrets and talks about style!

    How has your style developed throughout the year?

    As I've grown older I've become more comfortable with myself and confident which has allowed me to try out different looks. I used to dress by the rules whereas now I'm more open to trying something that pushes the envelope a bit more. Currently I'm obsessed with vintage and plaid. My style changes daily from preppy to tomboy to rocker to chic.

    What is your daily beauty regimen?

    I wish I could say that I drink lots of water, but unfortunately that is something I struggle with. I try to exfoliate my face once a week with the St. Ives Olive Scrub. I mosturize with Cetaphil and use Rosebud Salve on my lips.

    Is it any different when filming?

    When I film I'm wearing a lot more makeup then I ever wear in my day-to-day life. I usually get regular facials and try to wear less makeup during the weekends to let my face breathe.

    Who is your personal beauty icon?

    Because my own personal style is constantly changing I don't really have a specific beauty icon. I just admire women who don't wear a lot of makeup and when they do I admire a woman who pushes the envelope a bit. I think cookie cutter is boring.

    Do you ever have days where you just don't feel beautiful? If so, what do you do to make yourself feel better?

    I think every girl has those days. When I don't feel my best I like to put on a fun outfit. I often wear a pair of funky eyeglasses so I can hide behind them. Then the focus is on the glasses and not on the bags under my eyes!

    What has been your most interesting role so far? Why?

    I think every role has been interesting in their own unique way. The beauty of this business is you are constantly learning new things about yourself through these characters you play.

    Who would you love to work with in the future?

    I honestly don't care if I'm working with an A list celebrity or a complete unknown. I just want to work with professionals who are passionate about what they do, who I can learn from and who can challenge me.

    What are you working on right now?

    I'm currently working on a movie called The Death and Life Of Charlie St. Cloud. I play opposite Zac Efron who has been such a pleasure to work with and Burr Steers is directing. Filming has been an experience unlike any other movie I have ever worked on. I have learned, experienced and been challenged so much on this shoot in the greatest way possible.

    Is there any message you would like to send to my readers about beauty/self confidence?

    I think the most important thing to remember is that there is something unique about us all and sometimes it may be seen as different or weird, but it is your own, and nobody else has it except for yourself, so own it and embrace it. Don't play by the rules, because life is too short and to be honest, rules are boring.
  2. {ChloeIsobel}

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    ci ho capito molto poco, però grazie! E bella la foto!
  3. imi90

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    Charlie lavora come guardiano nel cimitero in cui riposa il fratello minore Sam, morto in un incidente d'auto causato dallo stesso Charlie. Lo spirito di Sam torna ogni notte per trascorrere un po' di tempo con il fratello maggiore, finché una ragazza non capita per caso sul luogo complicando le cose.
2 replies since 31/1/2010, 11:43   235 views